Professor Zhou was elected a fellow of OSA
The Optical Society (OSA) has named an electrical engineering professor from The University of Texas at Arlington as a fellow.
Flexible inorganic nanomembrane phototransistors

Flexible inorganic nanomembrane phototransistors
J.-H. Seo, K. Zhang, M. Kim, D. Zhao, H. Yang, W. Zhou, and Z. Ma, “Flexible Phototransistors Based on Single-Crystalline Silicon Nanomembranes”, Advanced Optical Materials (DOI: 10.1002/adom.201500402). (Featured in Materials Views, Dec. 2015). (Cover Story) v.4(1), 120 (2016).
Delivering multi-band detection with heterogeneous arrays” in Compound Semiconductor
“Delivering multi-band detection with heterogeneous arrays” in Compound Semiconductor (2016)