UTA researcher working to determine minimum energy use possible in lasers
Author: zhoulab
UTA researcher developing bioresorbable sensing platform for brain implant
UTA researcher developing bioresorbable sensing platform for brain implant

Flexible Transient Optical Waveguides and Surface-Wave Biosensors (Journal Cover)
W. Bai, H. Yang, Y. Ma, H. Chen, J. Shin, Y. Liu, Q. Yang, Z. Liu, S. Kang, W. Chen, X. Ge, X. Feng, P. Braun, Y. Huang, W. Zhou, and J. Rogers, “Flexible monocrystalline silicon transient optical waveguides and surface-wave biosensors”, Adv. Mater. 2018, 1801584. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201801584
Congratulations to Dr. Shihchi Liu and Dr. Yonghao Liu for their successful completion of Ph.D. degrees!
Congratulations to Dr. Shihchi Liu and Dr. Yonghao Liu for their successful completion of Ph.D. degrees!
UTA researcher earns grant to develop power-scalable compact semiconductor laser
UTA researcher earns grant to develop power-scalable compact semiconductor laser
Power-scalable semiconductor laser is focus of UTA research grant
UTA researcher earns grant to develop power-scalable compact semiconductor laser
UTA researcher earns grant to develop power-scalable compact semiconductor laser
Flexible inorganic nanomembrane phototransistors

Flexible inorganic nanomembrane phototransistors
J.-H. Seo, K. Zhang, M. Kim, D. Zhao, H. Yang, W. Zhou, and Z. Ma, “Flexible Phototransistors Based on Single-Crystalline Silicon Nanomembranes”, Advanced Optical Materials (DOI: 10.1002/adom.201500402). (Featured in Materials Views, Dec. 2015). (Cover Story) v.4(1), 120 (2016).
Delivering multi-band detection with heterogeneous arrays” in Compound Semiconductor
“Delivering multi-band detection with heterogeneous arrays” in Compound Semiconductor (2016)

Laser efficiency: UTA engineers pursuing applications for new ultra-thin semiconductor lasers in the medical field, consumer arena

“Laser efficiency: UTA engineers pursuing applications for new ultra-thin semiconductor lasers in the medical field, consumer arena” in UTA News (2016)

Congratulations to Dr. Deyin Zhao, a winner of the 2015 IPC Poster Competition!
Congratulations to Dr. Deyin Zhao, a winner of the 2015 IPC Poster Competition!